Mount Olivet Cemetery


65-40 Grand Ave
Maspeth, New York 11378

(718) 326-1777
Religious Affiliation
Monday – Sunday 8:00am to 4:30pm
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Mount Olivet Cemetery was incorporated in 1850 under the Rural Cemetery Association Act of 1847 as nongovernmental supervision, non-religious, and private non-sectarian cemetery. The original land that became Mount Olivet Cemetery acquired from George Fash (42 acres) and the estate of James Waterbury (formerly the property of Thomas Hallett). The later parcel, of 16 acres, was purchased in 1878 and gave the cemetery 360 feet of frontage on Grand Avenue. A later purchase resulted in today's total acreage of 71 acres—the cemetery designed as a "Garden Cemetery" with winding roads and many horticultural specimens. Space was allotted in and around most family lots to allow for landscape planting and a wide variety of trees and shrubs that have planted.

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