Flushing Cemetery


163-6 46th Ave
Flushing, New York 11358

(718) 359-0100
Religious Affiliation
Monday – Sunday 8:15am to 4:15pm
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Flushing Cemetery was founded in 1853, making this cemetery almost 200 years old. The original land for the site of Flushing cemetery was the 20-acre John Purchase farm, which was selected by the committee. The cemetery founders received their charter on May 5, 1853, which was the same day in which the World's Fair in New York Crystal Palace scheduled to open. In 1875, the Whitehead Duryea farm, which measured 50 acres and adjoined the cemetery, was purchased and added to the site. Known for flowers, trees, and greenery, the Flushing Cemetery has over 41,000 burials and thousands more with reservations.

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