Maple Grove Cemetery


127-15 Kew Gardens Road
Kew Gardens, New York 11415

(718) 544-3600
Religious Affiliation
Monday – Sunday 8:00am to 5:00pm
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Established in 1875, Maple Grove continues to serve as an integral part of evolving Queens communities. Organized in 1875, Maple Grove Cemetery Association operates as a not-for-profit, non-sectarian cemetery making this cemetery nearly 150 years old. Referred to as a haven of peace and beauty within a park-like setting, Maple Grove Cemetery is a gracious, historic 65-acre rural cemetery. This cemetery conveniently located off Queens Boulevard and the Van Wyck Expressway in Kew Gardens, an urban village-like neighborhood in the borough of Queens, New York City. As a rural cemetery, the landscape includes gently rolling hills, several gardens, a lake, a labyrinth, and a magnificent collection of trees, shrubbery, and flowers that make it a beautiful kaleidoscope throughout the four seasons.

Price & Sale History

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Seller Listings


$6,000 / plot
1 cremation niche

  • Has photos
  • Price negotiable

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$10,000 / plot
1 burial plot

  • No photos
  • Price negotiable

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