Evergreen Cemetery


50-52 N Main St
Pine Plains, New York 12567

(518) 398-9471
Religious Affiliation
Monday – Sunday 8:00am to 5:00pm
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The Evergreens Cemetery is a historic cemetery in the 'rural' style and incorporated in 1849. This sprawling 225-acre cemetery is over 150 years old and has over 526,000 people buried here. Some of the notable burials are tap legend Bill "Bojangles" Robinson, jazz musician Lester Young, and painter Martin Heade. Visitors can explore the landscape, designed by Andrew Jackson Downing, and see the great variety of architectural styles represented in the mausoleums and grave markers. Alexander Jackson Davis designed the Victorian Gothic Chapel in 1849/1850. The Evergreens Cemetery is on the National Register of Historic Places.

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