New Paltz Rural Cemetery


81 Plains Road
New Paltz, New York 12561

(845) 255-0835
Religious Affiliation
Monday – Saturday 8:00am to 3:00pm Sunday (Closed)
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The New Paltz Rural Cemetery formally chartered on February 18, 1861, as part of the rural cemetery movement. At that time, the founders recognized the tradition of burial in small family cemeteries or adjacent to houses of worship was fading. Also, the War Between the States was underway, causing a staggering loss of lives, requiring more burial space. The founders purchased this beautiful site consisting of twenty acres on Rural Avenue (now Plains Road), and in subsequent years, two additional purchases brought the total area to about 32 acres. Today the cemetery is a not-for-profit 501(c) corporation. An elected volunteer Board of Trustees provides oversight, sets policy, and is committed to maintaining and improving this very unique and historic site. Over 7,500 New Paltz area residents have interred in the non-denominational cemetery.

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