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Mountain View Memorial Gardens
$3,000 / plot
2 burial plots
- Has photos
- Price firm
section 805 plot 29 row 2 spaces 1 & 2
Cremation for four people, two per plot or two burials
per plot -
Current costs per plot we are selling 2 plots.
1- Burial right - current cost $2,500
1- Cremation Conversion = $2,500
1- 2x1x4 grey granite marker (no Vase) = $1,294 (2 names, dates, emblem, verse)
1- Final Date=$500
2- Cremation Opening/Closing's= $1,000 total
2- Urn protectors= $1400 total
2- Single Urns (vertical Sheet Bronze) = $970 total
Total cost from cemetery $10,164 selling for $9,000
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Featured New
Mountain View Memorial Gardens
$3,000 / plot
2 burial plots
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Resthaven Park Cemetery
$5,000 / plot
2 burial plots
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Valley of Sun Memorial Park
$3,800 / plot
1 cremation niche
Resthaven Park Cemetery
$6,000 / plot
1 burial plot