Kensico Cemetery


273 Lakeview Ave
Valhalla, New York 10595

(914) 949-0347
Religious Affiliation
Monday – Thursday 9:00am to 5:00pm Saturday and Sunday 9:00am to 4:00pm
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The Kensico Cemetery organized in 1889 under the “Act authorizing the incorporation of Rural Cemetery Association” passed April 27, 1847, and the several amendments to it. The first interment made on September 1, 1889. This Cemetery is in the Hamlet of Valhalla in the township of Mount Pleasant, Westchester County, New York. It has a frontage of about one mile on the Rail Road track with a gradual ascent to the highest point of land between Tarrytown and Long Island Sound. Initially, the Cemetery was 250 acres, expanded to 600 acres in 1905, and reduced to 461 acres in 1912. Sharon Gardens is a 76-acre section of Kensico Cemetery, which created in 1953 for Jewish burials.

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