Fort Hill Cemetery


19 Fort St
Auburn, New York 13021

(315) 253-8132
Religious Affiliation
Monday – Sunday 9:00am to 1:00pm
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Fort Hill Cemetery was incorporated on May 15, 1851 under its official name: "Trustees of the Fort Hill Cemetery Association of Auburn". The original Cemetery consisted of 22 acres and was dedicated on July 7, 1852. Today the cemetery has grown to over 83 acres of land. In 1951, the Jewish section of the cemetery was created and in 1998, the Oak View section opened with space for new burials. In 2016 we established a veteran's section and with the plans for a cremation garden. Fort Hill Cemetery has a right history, sitting on what local Indians used as a fortified hill. Today there are faint traces left to indicate the outline of the original Fort. Still, it is regarded as one of the best preserved fortified villages of the ancient Cayuga Indians.

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