Baron Hirsch Cemetery


1226 Richmond Ave
Staten Island, New York 10314

(718) 698-0162
Religious Affiliation
Monday – Friday 7:30am – 3:00pm Saturday (Closed) Sunday 7:30am – 1:00pm
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Baron Hirsch Cemetery was established in 1899 by philanthropist Maurice de Hirsch (1831- 1896), who became its namesake. It is a large Jewish cemetery in the neighborhood of Graniteville, on Staten Island, in New York City. The cemetery is composed of about 500 plot or sections belonging to synagogues, Jewish associations, family circles, and, most commonly, landsman shaft. Most plots are accessed via gates or pairs of stone columns. The grounds are known to be unique due to their peaceful rolling hills, lush tree-covered areas, and a varied species of greenery from one area to the next.

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